Auditions – 8 Tips to Help You Realize Your Potential in 2020

Acting auditions are the milestone an actor passes at any stage of his career and are the most important place to show your acting abilities and adaptability to relevant roles. We've rounded up 8 tips to help you increase your chances of getting into a series or movie in 2020.

1. Learn the text the right Way

A common mistake when preparing for acting auditions is to memorize the text by memorizing the scene. The main problem with this method is that the scene will be etched into your memory according to the initial interpretation of a work that is expressed in the way it is performed, and your ability to improve or change the interpretation will be impaired. The correct way is to initially memorize the text multiple times like robots without any interpretation on your part. Once you memorize the text in a"dry "way, you can try different interpretations until you find the ones that you think best serve the scene.

2. Working with a private teacher

Working with an acting teacher before an audition can improve your audition success rate. A proper professional briefing on how we communicate the interpretation to a character can be the difference between failure and success in an audition. It is better to start working with a tutor after we know the text by heart and have an idea for interpreting the scene in order to save time and money.

3. Keeping concentration in the waiting room

You'll likely see dozens of contestants waiting in the waiting room for their turn. You may know some of them because you are represented in the same Actors Agency And they want to share experiences with you or just talk to pass the time. Of course you have to be nice but it's important not to overdo it, the minutes before the audition are your time to be with yourself, to think about what you have planned for the audition, to memorize the text and the interpretations in your head and especially to relax.

אודישנים למשחק - המתנה לקראת האודישן

4. Quick switch in the head

Auditions for acting are usually split into two: a short interview followed by the audition itself. The short interview is a kind of short job interview in which you have to show that you are a professional actor and that you can be trusted. The second part is the audition itself in which you will perform the scene in front of the examiners. It is very important to make a quick switch in the head between the first part and the second part and when you begin to perform the scene to be completely detached from the brief interview that we went through at the beginning of the audition and to get all into the character.

5. Three different text interpretations

In most cases, you will audition for a scene that was written for the film or series and has not been played until the day of the audition. In some cases, either the director or the casting director at this stage still doesn't know exactly what the correct iteration is for the scene. Proper preparatory work on three different interprets will improve the chances of getting into the audition. However, it is important to remember that for each scene there is more than one correct interpretation and the director or casting director chooses the interpretation that he thinks will best serve the character and story.

 תמונה של דוגמנית מטושטשת ברקע עומדת מול קלאפר לפני אודישן למשחק

6. Surprise

In 2020, there are plenty of contenders for every position. On the day of the audition, the examiners see dozens of different candidates who will present different interpretations of the scene, of which only one will be chosen for the role. This is your place to make brave and specific choices that will activate the imagination and touch the heart of the scene, and with luck the heart of the testers. However, it is important that you read the text as it is, with no changes unless requested by the examiners.

7. Don't stop text in the middle

Blackouts are a common thing that happens even to the most experienced players. If you have received a blackout during an audition the worst thing you can do is stop the text and ask to start from scratch. Stopping the text can damage professionalism and the feeling that you can be trusted. Sometimes blackouts emotionally challenge the actor and provide exciting and real moments during the scene. If a moment or two of deliberation and internal dialogue is created after which you continue the text in most cases it will seem integral and natural to the scene.

אודישנים למשחק -במאי עומד מאחורי מצלמה ומסמן למתמודד באודישן שהוא יכול להתחיל

8. Improve for the next audition

At the end of each session, ask yourself 5 questions.:
1. Did the short interview convey the message I wanted?
2. Did I transfer my interpolations to the scene as I wanted?
3. Do I think the tester liked the interpretations I made?
4. What was good and what was wrong with the audition?
5. How do I get better at my next audition?

Good luck at the audition.

HH Models Team
