Child Modeling Agency

סוכנות דוגמנות לילדים

Child Modeling Agency HH Models Represents models aged one year15 over a decade. The agency has starred in hundreds of commercials and advertising campaigns over the years. 

In this article we will clarify what is a child modeling agency and its various roles, is there a growing demand for children in commercials in 2020, what are the rules of employment for children in commercials, about campaigns in Israel and more…

Child Modeling Agency and its various roles 

Child Modeling Agency It is the connecting link between the represented and the client and its main purposes are marketing its represented for advertising and campaigns. The agency is in daily contact with producers, advertising agencies, casting directors and others who are auditioning for different roles. At this time, the agency conducts screening among the represented and routs the appropriate represented for each audition based on personal familiarity with the represented abilities and the tape-cast requirement (the character's physical appearance). After the representative has confirmed his participation in the audition, the agency instructs the representative on how he should prepare for the audition. A few days after the audition, the agency will update the represented person whether or not he has been accepted, and if so will summarize for him the working conditions and wages, and of course proper conditions and a pleasant atmosphere for the represented person and his or her companions.

Will the demand for children in advertising in 2020 increase? 

In recent years there has been a marked increase in the amount of adverts and advertising campaigns featuring children. In the not-too-distant past, children would mainly advertise products identified only with children such as toys, children's fashion, children's foods, etc. That era is over, and today more and more children can be seen starring in commercials and campaigns that are not just about children, such as food chains, cellphones, air conditioners and more. It seems that the way to win over consumers through children is very successful because the trend of ads starring children is growing year by year. In 2020, we are seeing a particularly large demand for children in advertising, but at the same time, the number of children registered with modeling agencies and also the number of agencies has increased significantly. Therefore, in 2020, the demand for children in advertisements will increase, but the supply will also increase.

Understand The latest Children's Ads from our agency

Daniel Reitman 
Lia Kormesh for Snefrost
Big Brother 2020
Adele, Talia, song, Magic and angelic for "Yoplait"
Idan Noam
Milena and Leia for "Castro Kids"

 The Employment of Children in Advertising and Photography Law as of 2020. 

Model Agency HH Models represents children under Israeli law for the employment of children in advertisements and photographs. Those aged between one and 15 need special employment approval while adhering to the conditions of the Ministry of Economy. Approval of the deal requires the signatures of parents, the school principal and approval from a doctor. Download the confirmation form Click here

It is forbidden to employ children in advertisements of a sexual, racist, violent nature, etc.If the child is under the age of 8, the presence of one of the parents in the filming set is mandatory. Of course, even if the child is working voluntarily for a particular production, all of the above rules still apply.

In addition, the modeling agency must sign a personal mediation permit for each child that the parents are obliged to sign. Download the confirmation form Click here
